Hal & Melanie Young, parents of six boys, have written a very Biblical, practical, and fun-to-read book that will help you with raising godly sons.
They cover many important topics, including:
Giving your sons godly heroes to look up to
A Biblical view of competition
Teaching boys to take risks (with wisdom!)
Manners and social interaction
Homeschooling boys
Preparing sons to handle money
Encouraging entrepreneurial activities and preparing for a job
Teaching sons to take on man-sized responsibilities
Teaching sons to respect authority
Preparing sons to be strong leaders
We enjoyed this book, and we hope you will too!
DocMac of Fountain Valley, 8/14/2012
Thank you for providing a guiding an encouraging word for fathers... As a pastor and a father of 3 sons, I am always looking for material to help dads raise up Godly men. Many of us did not have good role models in our homes and are looking for inspiration. May many be blessed with this materal
Happymom2010 of CA, 8/7/2012
It is a good book which I am looking for.
Recommend it!!