Have you ever noticed that 1 Corinthians 13 isn’t presented as a list of commands? Paul doesn’t start out by saying, “Suffer long. Be kind. Don’t envy. Don’t brag. Don’t be arrogant...” Instead of telling us what to do, he tells us what love does. He personifies love. He speaks of it as a person.
That’s because love is a person.
Before we can love with a godly love, we need to meet love. We need to experience love. We need to understand how deeply we are loved.
When we really believe and rest in God’s love, we will be ready – and empowered – to love others with the same kind of love.
Use this chart as a daily reminder of what real love is, with questions to help your children examine themselves and Bible verses that point them to Jesus as our example.

Use the included Walk in Love Bible study book as an in-depth study of love during your family worship or homeschool time. Here’s what you’ll find inside:
An explanation of each of love’s qualities from 1 Corinthians 13
Bible verses showing how God loves us in each of these ways
Examples of how Jesus lived out this kind of love
Other passages from Scripture that illustrate each quality
Recommended activities and object lessons
Practical application points for children
And lots more!
This set includes a 48 page Bible study book and a full color chart, either in 16"x22" poster size (color, but not laminated), or as a smaller, 8.5"x11" laminated chart.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV Bible.
FREE 1 Corinthians 13 coloring book - No purchase necessary! Just download and print these coloring pages for your children. (Click here to download the PDF.) |