Honoring One Another

It’s Wednesday night and I just spent a couple hours working on a post, only to watch my computer eat up the entire document, letter by letter. It looked like a video game where some little animal was gobbling down a string of words as fast as he could. The the cursor sat there quivering, like it was giggling over its great trick. It was actually kind of funny. It just kept deleting until everything but the first paragraph was gone, and now I can’t even get the document to open!

SharingI guess God had other plans for Thursday’s post. He knows I’m too tired to start over at this hour. 🙂

How about focusing on this verse for the day?

“So  whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them…” (Matt 7:12, ESV).

As challenges and teaching opportunities arise throughout the day, ask your children, “How would you want to be treated?” Then encourage them to humble themselves and treat the other person in the way they have described. Talk about the results at the end of the day.

Ask yourself how you would want to be treated if you were your child. Put yourself in his place. Ask yourself how God would want you to treat him.

And don’t forget to pray as you go through the day. Pray for God’s peace in your home. Pray for wisdom and patience and love as you train your children. Pray for soft hearts that are open to instruction and a soft heart that is ready to instruct.  Pray for His blessing as you serve Him!



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