Would you like to do the “Child-Training Boot Camp” study, but would rather not open a Facebook account or join the Facebook group? There are some other options. You just won’t have the benefit of participating in (or at least listening in on, 🙂 ) the discussion, question-asking, photo-sharing, etc. that is possible in the Facebook group. Here are some other ways to still take part in the study: You […]
Read More →Category: Discipline
He Died for My Sin
To help your children understand that Jesus died for their sins, try this simple activity: Nail two scraps of wood together to form a cross about two feet tall. Hang this cross on a wall or lay it flat on a counter or table. In a basket nearby, place pieces of paper, a pen or pencil, a bag of small nails, and a hammer. When the need for discipline arises during […]
Read More →How to Find Time to Reach Their Hearts

Does the problem this mother describes sound familiar to any other mamas out there? “My first concern is about leading children to repentance over a specific sin. How do you find the time? With a large family, I barely start with one child before another child sins and a line begins to form. More like a crowd of crying, fussing, accusing children. At that point, I feel overwhelmed and usually […]
Read More →30 Days in Ephesians 6, Day 9: Obey
Now that we have looked in a general way at Paul’s instructions to children, fathers, servants, and masters, let’s take a closer look at each of those commands. Word studies, cross-references, commentaries, and looking at other translations can all help us gain a better understanding of a verse or passage of Scripture, and free Bible study websites help us do this kind of studying in a fraction of the time […]
Read More →Child Training Boot Camp is Finished!

Taking a break from arranging wedding flowers to check out the new book! The books are finished! Today we are excited to offer Child Training Boot Camp, the fifth book in the Bible Study for Busy Mamas series. In this thirty-day Bible study guide, you’ll learn to use topical Bible study methods to discover what God says about some of the typical challenges we face day after day with our children, including disobedience, bickering, […]
Read More →Ingredients of Godly Discipline, Part 4: Consequences

As we seek to provide godly discipline for our children, there are times where it’s appropriate for us to devise consequences or allow them to experience the natural consequences of their sin. Why are consequences part of godly discipline? 1. Consequences prove that we love our children. “Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.” (Proverbs 13:24) 2. Consequences drive out folly. […]
Read More →Ingredients of Godly Discipline, Part 3: Confession

 If we give our children effective, Bible-based instruction, they will come to see how they have sinned. The next step is to encourage them to admit or confess their sin to us and to God. Even 3-year-old can say “I was wrong for disobeying”. Here’s why it’s important for our children to learn to confess their sin: 1. Our goal isn’t to merely change our children’s behavior. We’re teaching […]
Read More →Ingredients of Godly Discipline, Part 2: Instruction

 Why do we discipline? What is the point of our child-training efforts? It’s not ultimately about good behavior. It’s not about the convenience of having well-behaved children. It’s certainly not about giving out just deserts when children make mistakes. Our first goal as parents should be shepherding our children into their own personal, growing, relationship with God. As God’s representatives to our children during their early years, we’re part […]
Read More →Ingredients of Godly Discipline, Part 1: Preparation

I hear crying coming from the family room, where my three and six-year-old children are playing. I’m sitting in my chair, reading a book, and I don’t really want to be interrupted. But I get up and go in. The struggling stops as I enter the room, and reddened, tear-streaked faces look up at me. “What is going on?” “He was pushing me!” “I had the tricycle first!” “But you […]
Read More →Tomorrow We Start! 30 Days of Child-Training Boot Camp for Busy, Busy Mamas!

I’ve been so busy trying to get our house ready to put up for sale (we get the photos taken today and list it this week), that I’ve neglected to remind you of our new study that is going to start tomorrow, July1! This month we’re going to do something a little different. Instead of spending the whole month of July studying one chapter like we normally do (and like we will […]
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