I really enjoyed reading and studying my Bible in my single years. As a school teacher, I had summers free and I have fond memories of early morning hours with my Bible and notebook in our sun-filled “dining room” (a generous term for the eating space in our little hovel). The Word was “alive and powerful” to me in those days. Something happened when I got married. In my newlywed […]
Read More →Category: Motherhood
For Non-Facebook Users Who Would Like to Do the “Child-Training Boot Camp” Study
Would you like to do the “Child-Training Boot Camp” study, but would rather not open a Facebook account or join the Facebook group? There are some other options. You just won’t have the benefit of participating in (or at least listening in on, 🙂 ) the discussion, question-asking, photo-sharing, etc. that is possible in the Facebook group. Here are some other ways to still take part in the study: You […]
Read More →We’re Re-Running the Child-Training Boot Camp Study!
Just a reminder! If are interested in participating in the re-run of the Busy Mamas Bible study, Child-Training Boot Camp, that starts today! The lessons will not be delivered via email. If you want to join us, you will need to join the Busy Mamas Facebook group. A link to each day’s lesson will be posted there. The link for Day 1 is posted now. If you followed the lessons a couple years ago […]
Read More →Continue in What You Have Learned…
My phone alarm wakes me up each morning. After I turn off the alarm, I usually read something to help me wake up. For some reason, it’s way easier to check Instagram or Facebook or my email than it is to start reading the Bible :-/. But I can’t handle what’s going on in the world (or in my own life, for that matter) without the perspective that God’s Word offers. My […]
Read More →How to Find Time to Reach Their Hearts
Does the problem this mother describes sound familiar to any other mamas out there? “My first concern is about leading children to repentance over a specific sin. How do you find the time? With a large family, I barely start with one child before another child sins and a line begins to form. More like a crowd of crying, fussing, accusing children. At that point, I feel overwhelmed and usually […]
Read More →Enough
by Bethany Forster Many lucky grownups like me can look back to a time of childhood bliss (blighted as it may be by pet deaths and mathematics). I imagine you would like your child to look back on the current days with similar fondness. Is that thought discouraging? After all, you had to harass them for the fifth time today about doing their piano practice or you lost your temper […]
Read More →Parenting in 3-D
We go to movie theaters once or twice a year, for the special experience of watching a new movie with friends and family. My wife and I wanted to see the new Star Trek movie, so one night after the kids were all asleep my parents took up the watch and we snuck out the door. The local theater was only showing 3-D at $13 a ticket, so we made […]
Read More →30 Days in Ephesians 6, Day 9: Obey
Now that we have looked in a general way at Paul’s instructions to children, fathers, servants, and masters, let’s take a closer look at each of those commands. Word studies, cross-references, commentaries, and looking at other translations can all help us gain a better understanding of a verse or passage of Scripture, and free Bible study websites help us do this kind of studying in a fraction of the time […]
Read More →Finding Time to Rest and Renew our Focus: A Video Introduction to Bible Study for Busy Mamas
As moms, we have a lot to do! It’s easy to become overwhelmed. If we’re not careful, we can find ourselves dragging around on an empty fuel tank. We probably all know what that feels like! But being a busy mom (or grandma…or working woman…or student) shouldn’t mean we can’t stop and take time to re-charge. Most of you have already been involved in one or more of our Busy Mamas […]
Read More →Just a Sack Lunch
I’ve read the story a lot of times. I read it again just the other day. It’s a story that Matthew records in his gospel. So do Mark, Luke, and John, but only John tells us whose lunch Jesus transformed into enough for five thousand people. One young boy had fives loaves and two fishes. That’s the only food the disciples found amongst five thousand people. I’ve often imagined that […]
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