This week we are switching our schedule. Tuesday’s posts will be a bit more irregular. We may skip a Tuesday here and there, in the interest of carving out more time to work on new Doorposts products. Project posts and posts directly related to child training will now be posted on Thursdays.

“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:5
Today I picked what is probably the last bouquet from this season’s garden. The cold air of late afternoon hinted at the first frost that most likely will leave the garden a black and ugly mess in the morning.
I picked a big bowl of almost-ripe tomatoes, a pile of peppers, and the last of the ever-thriving zucchinis. I pulled some weeds around the onions and winter greens in the raised beds. While I worked, I thought about how close I had come to not planting a garden at all this year. I knew our summer was filled with trips away from home. I watched it rain and rain and rain all spring, and then it continued to rain into June. But I couldn’t imagine not having a garden.
So we planted one. And it grew. It was late, but it grew, and God graciously stretched our summer into October, just to make up for its late start in June. As I picked my veggies today, I thought about planting seeds. We plant them. God makes them grow. We plant, we water, we pull weeds, we fertilize. But we can’t make the seeds grow. We do our part, and trust God with the results.
It’s the same with parenting. We can teach, we can love, we can discipline, but only God can change a heart. We can’t make that happen. We must faithfully do our part, pray, and trust Him with the results.
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