Attention, Email Subscribers!

We are changing the service we use to email out blog posts. You will need to confirm your subscription in order to continue receiving our posts in your inbox.

Some of you have been missing emails, or getting several days’ posts all in one email. The free service we’ve been using to send out emails is becoming unreliable, so to improve your experience, we are moving your subscription over to a new email service.

What you need to do: Watch your inbox for a message asking you to confirm your subscription to Doorposts Blog updates (it should arrive sometime this week). Please click the link in that email. You’ll be added to the new, more reliable list, and you’ll keep getting updates whenever we post to the Doorposts Blog.

If you no longer want to receive our posts by email, you don’t need to do anything. Your subscription will be deleted once our new list is up and running. (That also means that if you do want to receive our emails, but don’t confirm your subscription, you still will no longer receive the emails. So watch for that message in your inbox! 🙂 )


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