Did you enjoy the first part of Susannah and Peter’s courtship story? I am so glad she’s taking the time to get it written down! It is such a testimony of God’s love and grace!
One of the things I think we’ve learned — after spending a total of at least five years of our lives overseeing courtships and engagements — is this:
We don’t write our children’s love stories. God does.
There’s no formula for the perfect courtship (or whatever else you want to call it). Every story is different, and if we try to force our children’s stories all into the same mold, we’re going to frustrate them, and we’re going to rob God of the glory He deserves as he brings a man and woman together. (Plus, we’ll miss out on an awful lot of fun! God is much more creative than we are!)
I know these posts are long, but the next portion of Susannah’s courtship story is the one I really want you to read, because I think she does an amazing job of describing the mindset of what our family calls courtship. She talks about communication, trust, feelings, advice, security, and a bunch of other good stuff — all in the context of loving Jesus!
See what might be helpful for your household! Even if you only have little ones right now, now is the time to be thinking through what you want for your children when they are ready to marry. If you know what you believe now, you can start preparing your children for it now — before the hormones strike!
Enjoy Part 2 of Susannah’s joy-drenched, designed-by-God-just-for-her courtship story!
(Photo by Peter Mahar)
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