Well, our first two weeks of blogging have been great fun! I’ve really enjoyed reading the comments posted during the giveaways (lots of great ideas!), and it’s been especially fun to see profile pictures of so many of you! I look forward to encouraging one another in the weeks to come.
We want to assure you, however, that we won’t be showing up in your inbox every day like we have for the last couple weeks. We know you have better and more important things to do than read blogs all day! We just thought it would be fun to give lots of stuff away while we were getting started!
Here’s our plan:
On Tuesdays we’ll post a character-training project you can use with your family.
On Thursdays we’ll post something especially for moms — words of encouragement, thoughts on a Scripture passage, reviews of helpful books, tidbits about our family (weddings, courtships, grandbabies and other fun stuff!), quotes from favorite books, etc.
We may toss in another post once in awhile, but twice a week is our basic plan for now. We look forward to your comments and suggestions as we get better acquainted with one another.
Someone in the comments asked if we were planning on offering some sort of coupon for Doorposts products at the end of our giveaways. Daniel and I are still learning when it comes to blogging and Facebook. We had no idea what a response we would get, and we planned the giveaways more for fun than for advertising. We just wanted an exciting way to start this blog, and an opportunity to get to know you all a little better!
But we think a coupon is a great idea! If you didn’t win anything (boo-hoo!) and you think you’d like to buy something from Doorposts, we want to make it a little easier for you. And we want to thank you for joining us and for helping us get the word out about our blog.
For the next ten days, readers of this blog can enjoy a 15% discount on any orders placed through Doorposts’ website at www.doorposts.com. Just use the coupon code BLOG and order before midnight (PDT) on Monday, April 4th!
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