What a great idea! I love the spirit of this book, written by a mother who knows what it’s like to be raising boys. She knows that her best efforts will be for nothing if God is not in them:
“With each day that passes, I’m more convinced that I have absolutely no power to change the hearts of my boys. Oh, I can change their behavior if I try hard enough. Anyone can do that. But I know that what’s in the heart eventually comes out. I know that if their knees are ever to bend to Jesus as Savior, their hearts must bend first. And that’s God’s business.”
The most important thing we can do for our sons is to pray for them, and Brooke McGlothlin has created a book that will help us do this more faithfully and effectively. Short prayer phrases, taken from God’s Word and from the lives of godly men in Scripture, give mothers specific words to pray on their sons’ behalf. Study questions at the end of each short chapter encourage mothers to really evaluate where their own hearts are as they raise their sons.
I wish I had owned this book when my sons were young! But I am still praying for them now as they lead their own households, and this book will help me do that!
This will be a great tool for any parent of boys, but also the perfect tool for wise parents who want to pray for the future husband of each of their daughters.
(If you are on Facebook, be sure to “like” Warrior Prayers, and receive encouragement each weekday to pray for your sons!)
Brooke has generously agreed to give away five copies of her Warrior Prayers eBook, which normally sells for $3.99!
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