“But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.” (2 Thess. 3:3)
OK . . . I had different post almost finished before I left this afternoon for my daughter’s first bridal shower. But instead, at 12:04 a.m., I’m going to start over.
I spent a lovely evening celebrating the upcoming marriage of our youngest, and I spent it with ladies from the extended family of her soon-to-be husband. The room was full of amazing women — ones who have finished or are almost finished raising their houses full of children, ones in the midst of their childbearing years, one who has just completed her first month of married life, one who is fighting for her life against cancer, ones who are busy homeschooling, and ones who are being homeschooled.
Almost all of these ladies have been part of our lives for years. Some of them Susannah has known her entire life. Many have been her friends since childhood. They love God. They love His Word, and they hold to it when the storms come. God is their Rock.
What a rich community of believers for my daughter to serve and to learn from!
I watched my daughter — so radiant — as she opened her gifts and as she conversed with her almost-relatives. She’s grown up.
Our “baby” has grown up. She’s about to leave our household to start a new one with her husband.
I spent much of our hour-long, too-late trip home from the shower thanking God for His blessings. He is so good. He has carried this precious young lady through the perils of childhood and the challenges of her teen years. He has covered with grace the shortcomings and sins of our household. He has watered the seeds of faith, and they have matured into a deep love for Jesus and a joy that shines from her face.
He is faithful. Persevere. He will bring fruit from your labors.
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