As immersed as I’ve been in Philippians 2 for the last few weeks, I couldn’t help but think of verses 5-11 yesterday as I drove down the freeway. I was heading east. Not a single car was driving on the westbound side of the normally busy road. But on the shoulder, for literally miles, hundreds of police cars and emergency vehicles made their way to a coliseum to honor the life of a reserve police officer who had been killed in the line of duty last week. The ribbon of flashing red, blue, and white lights was almost solid along the edge of the freeway.
Other eastbound drivers must have been as moved as I was. The traffic moved slowly. There was an almost eerie reverence in the air. Pictures later showed people lining the streets of the officer’s town as the motorcade passed, eager to show their respect for the man who had laid down his life to save the lives of others.
I thought of this man’s widow and their yet-unborn child. I thought of how proud – and broken – she must have been as she witnessed the great outpouring of respect and gratitude for her husband’s sacrifice.
And I thought of Jesus.
Someday every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus – God’s Son who laid down His life to save us – is LORD. We won’t just line the streets to honor Him. Every knee will bow in obeisance, every tongue will acknowledge His kingship – the angels, all peoples, the demons – all will bow before Him and proclaim Him Lord.
And we’ll do it for all eternity. . . to the glory of God the Father.