(Post by Daniel Forster)
“Home life is a school as much for training parents as children” – Andrew Murray
This is actually one of the top reasons my wife and I are committed to homeschooling our children. Both of us finished homeschooling a long time ago, took some college classes, and read hundreds of books, but we’ll never be done learning. I know God has more lessons for us to learn as we disciple and educate our own children. I know it will be hard at times, but I don’t want to miss out on those lessons.
It looks different for each one of us, but God has plans for us to keep growing and learning, no matter what season of life we are in.
I just spent a weekend with Mama (who writes most of the posts on this blog) at the Teach Them Diligently Washington DC convention, where she gave several workshops and I ran the Doorposts booth.
Though she’s been a writer for over 30 years, she’s never done much public speaking until the last few years when God has opened doors for her to speak at several different events. Both she and I have been working hard to learn public speaking skills (and discovering that speaking is a much different craft than writing!) She’s all done homeschooling, but you can still see her learning and growing as she follows God’s direction for her life.
If you’re wishing you could hear her workshops, you can get MP3 recordings online from the Resounding Voice website. They offer instant downloads for $4 each, or CD’s for $7.
- What I Would Do Differently as a Homeschool Mom
- Influential Parents Who Mirror God’s Character
- Raising Children Who Love God and His Word
- Bible Study for Really Busy Mamas
- Christian Courtship in the Real World
We hope these messages will inspire you as you learn your way along the path of parenting the children God has given you. May He richly bless you and your family!
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