My little sister is graduating tomorrow, and I am proud of her.
Graduation doesn’t mean “she’s done learning, and now she can get on with real life.” She will keep learning and growing, just like the rest of us. Nevertheless, “high school” graduation has been an important milestone for me and my siblings as we move from one season of life to the next.
Susannah will celebrate a 12 year milestone, but my parents are celebrating a 26 year milestone. And they’ve carried a heavy load for those 26 years. Tomorrow, May 21, 2011, my parents will officially finish homeschooling, a journey they started in the 1980’s. They’re being promoted from homeschool parents to being homeschool grandparents! I look forward to having their help as mentors and teaching assistants when I start homeschooling my children.
Just like we keep learning, they will keep teaching and loving. But this day is a major milestone in their lives. Thank you, Daddy and Mama, for purposing to teach us at home, for following through, and for pouring out your lives for us. You have been faithful to the calling God put before you.
Thank you for reading the Bible to us every day.
Thank you for reading us hundreds of books.
Thank you for choosing to build a family library instead of buying new cars, expensive home décor, or big boy toys.
Thank you for helping us with math problems (even when you couldn’t remember how to do them either). Benjamin turned out an engineer, so I think you did okay.
Thank you for staying up late correcting our schoolwork.
Thank you for turning off the computer and making us play outside.
Thank you for feeding our interests and fanning the flames of “delight-directed study.” We learned LOTS about history and about God’s creation without knowing it was part of “school.”
Thank you for investing in our music lessons.
Thank you for pointing us to other godly men and women for more advice and training when you’d given all you could give.
Thank you for allowing us to make messes (and for teaching us to clean them up).
Thank you for sorting through curriculum each year to find what worked best for us.
Thank you for writing our curriculum when you couldn’t find what you needed. God has used your work to serve many other families.
Thank you, Daddy, for doing cool stuff with us like falling trees and building fences, and for teaching me how computers work.
Thank you, Mama, for teaching each of us to write well. That must have been hard.
Thank you for not giving up.
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)
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