I’m heading to Florida this weekend for a one-day conference. I fly all day Friday, talk on Saturday, and get back on a plane at 6 a.m. (which will feel like 3 a.m. to me) on Sunday morning to fly back home. 😛
So I’m trying to shift my body from Pacific Time to Eastern Time now, since I won’t have much time to turn my internal clock around while I’m there. This morning, while I worked on keeping my eyes open at 4 a.m., my attention was drawn to these words as I took a quick glance at Facebook — “Why I’m Glad My Children Don’t Obey”. That woke me up a bit more, and it certainly aroused my interest!
It was a great article! I want to share it with you here, because I know it will be an encouragement to you as you face the daily challenges of raising your children! Read, enjoy, and learn from this wise mother’s insights!
“Why I’m Glad My Kids Don’t Obey”
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