

Someday our lives will settle down and we will post on a more regular schedule again. (In fact, in just a little more than a month, we’ll be posting everyday while we do our Busy Mamas study of Romans 8!)

For now we’re trying to move. We have approximately 40 hours left to be completely out of this house that has been our home for 19 years. 40 hours to still figure out what to do with two indoor cats that we can’t take with us. 40 hours to haul away a ridiculous number of freezers and refrigerators to other homes. 40 hours to gather one last bunch of stuff out of the garden. 40 hours to move the business to its new location. 40 hours to transform this mess into an empty, ready-for-a-new-family house again. 40 hours to brace ourselves for that last trip down the driveway.

It looks impossible.

Moving reminds me a lot of birth. We’ve been “in labor” since about April, and now we’re in transition — the hardest part. The end is in sight and there will be great blessing when we have finished our work, but in my own strength, I’m done. I want to quit. I want everything to go the way we planned it. I want my rocker, my cup of tea, and some peace and quiet.

But stopping is not an option.

God will see us through this, and He will use His children to help us. Someday soon I’ll turn on a light and it will still be plugged in. I’ll go into a living room and the sofa won’t be gone. I’ll be able to think again. I’ll sit down with my colored pencils and mark up my Bible again.

But for now, I have work to do.

While I keep packing boxes, let me recommend this fine article to parents of daughters. Read and think. It has some good thoughts to chew on.

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