Friday’s giveaway is a complete set of our small laminated charts. These simple, Scripture-based parenting charts are definitely the most requested of all our materials!
Two randomly picked winners will receive the following 8.5″ x 11″ color laminated charts:
The If-Then Chart – A Scripture-based tool to help you deal quickly and consistently with common misbehaviors. Lists ten common behavior issues, along with Bible verses for each one and a space for you to fill in an agreed-upon consequence (suggestions included!).
The Blessing Chart – Used together with the If-Then Chart, this chart provides balance by helping you encourage godly behavior with Scripture and agreed-upon rewards.
The Brother-Offended Checklist – The solution to bickering and petty arguments! Based on Matthew 18 and other verses, this chart and Bible study will teach your children to resolve disagreements in a godly manner.
The Go-to-the-Ant Chart – This chart covers every area of laziness we could think of, with a Bible verse for each problem, for encouraging your children towards greater diligence.
The Put On Chart – Based on Colossians 3, this chart will help your children learn to “put on” Godly character qualities like patience, forgiveness, and humility. Eight lessons in the included Bible study book will help your family learn more about each quality and put them into practice!
To enter today’s giveaway, please share about this blog again, online or off, in whatever way you like. Write one comment on this post and tell us how you shared. (Here are some sharing ideas.)
To qualify to win, you must also be a follower of this blog in some form (email subscription, RSS, or Google friend connect). All entries also count towards the final grand prize!
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