I hear a child’s frustrated crying in the kitchen. I go to investigate, and I find my 2-year-old son pushing with all his might against a chair, angry that it’s not moving. He has plans, but something has gone wrong. Soon I realize why he’s upset. The back of the chair has run into an open cupboard door and stopped his movement. But his head is down, his brow is […]
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A Change of Plans
I (Daniel) am posting today because my dad, mom, and sisters are taking the week off for a vacation at the beach 🙂 I want to tell you a quick story about something my mama did about 10 years ago that had a huge impact on my life. This was back when she was in the thick of homeschooling. There were six of us, from Susannah (age 9) to me, […]
Read More →Teach Like Jesus
I love these observations that Daniel came up with after reading the book of Mark. I think his last point about Jesus sharing His authority with His disciples is an especially good point to consider. How should Jesus’ example affect our parenting? I just read the Gospel of Mark. My goal was to note every action of Jesus. During this study, I kept noticing details about how Jesus teaches […]
Read More →How to Use Plants Grown Up and Polished Cornerstones (video)
We decided to spice things up and deliver today’s post in video form! People often ask us, “Where do I start?” after they buy Plants Grown Up or Polished Cornerstones. If you already have one of these books on your shelf, we hope this will help you get the most out of it! In this video, we show how to get started using Plants Grown Up and Polished Cornerstones, including […]
Read More →The Advice Book: A Treasured Graduation Gift
It’s been almost ten years since my homeschool graduation party. I got some great presents, and I can still remember some of them: A family heirloom pocket watch. Pens and notebooks. Generous friends and grandparents gave money, which helped me buy my first digital camera. Most of these gifts have been used up (or become seriously outdated), but my most treasured gift still sits on my bookshelf, and I still […]
Read More →Our Confidence
If you read my post last week about the writing trip the girls and I took, you might remember me mentioning a speech that Susannah was writing for her graduation. She finished writing it, and did an excellent job of giving it last Saturday. We were all so proud of her. God honored her willingness to give this speech, and she saw once again the truth of Philippians 4:13, “I […]
Read More →Parents Graduate from Homeschooling!
My little sister is graduating tomorrow, and I am proud of her. Graduation doesn’t mean “she’s done learning, and now she can get on with real life.” She will keep learning and growing, just like the rest of us. Nevertheless, “high school” graduation has been an important milestone for me and my siblings as we move from one season of life to the next. Susannah will celebrate a 12 year […]
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