Great verse for a family of boys and a nice way to present it!
Here’s a convicting use of Scripture for “when you sit in your house” (Deut. 6:7) How many of us would find something else to do if we read through these questions every time we thought about sitting down in front of the tube?
This is a good reminder for young ones who are learning to do their work as unto the Lord. Nice idea for a chore chart, too!
🙂  The second half of the verse (“and purify your hearts, you double-minded”)on the other side of the sink could further motivate hand washers to keep their hearts clean, too.
A wise mother had the foresight to enclose this wooden rendering of Scripture inside a glass covered frame, to protect it from splashing water.
A good (and attractive) reminder as we launch out on our day away from home.
Another convicting reminder to obey God rather than our own hearts. Might need to move it over in slow residential neighborhoods, though! 🙂
This appropriate verse is posted over the family’s pantry door.
Nice chore chart with a very appropriate verse that reminds little workers that their character is proven by their deeds. I like the “Done” and “Undone” hooks to hang cards on.
What a nice reminder of God’s creative love and grace in “simply” bringing each of us into the world!
A nice way to proclaim the family’s mission to all who come to the door.
This looks like a nice adornment to a music or practice room in the house.
Another nice way to remember how richly God has blessed us by giving us children.
Here’s a more casual approach to lettering the words of Scripture on the walls of your home. Nice verse to remember as we leave our homes!
What a great verse to send our family members out the door with! Whom will we serve as we leave our homes? Angela Parry wins second prize, a $30 Doorposts gift certificate, with this lovely entry.
Another nice presentation of family pictures combined with Scripture.
And here is the winner of the “Best Location and Verse Combination” category! Classy and very appropriate use of Scripture at (and on) the dining room table!
This beautiful table will be a family heirloom someday! Congratulations to Tracy Kimzey, who will receive a $100 gift certificate to Doorposts!
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