A Light in the Darkness

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

Use this simple activity to help your children understand the importance of God’s Word in their lives.

Set up an obstacle course outside (if the weather permits) or in your house. Put chairs on their side, hang long strips of crepe paper from the ceiling, set up a tunnel of boxes to crawl through, put leaves, wet sponges and rags, furry fabric and other unexpected things where the children will step or crawl onto them. If you’re working outside, use something creepy-feeling like jello or cooked pasta on the ground.

Wait until dark to have your children go through your obstacle course — without a light. Have children take turns, or send two through at a time if they’re more comfortable with a buddy.

After everyone has gone through the course, let them each take a second turn — this time with a flashlight. Talk about the difference. Talk about how we are walking in the dark when we try to live life without God’s Word.

Discuss how the Word is a light that:

  • Guides us in all of life
  • Helps us see our sin and disobedience
  • Shows us what God requires, our inability to meet those requirements, and God’s gracious provision of His Son to fulfill God’s requirements
  • Tells us about God and His holy, merciful, loving, all-powerful character
  • Shows us the love and perfect obedience of Jesus
  • Helps us avoid the stumbling blocks and temptations of life
  • Reveals how God wants us to live

If you would like to read some commentary on Psalm 119:105 to help you better explain the verse to your children, look at these comments from John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible and Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible.


Thanks to all who entered our Bible Study Giveaway and gave us feedback on the Busy Mamas Psalm 37 study! Thanks for all your encouraging words and also for the constructive ideas to improve the study. Thanks to your help, our published version of that study will be at least “40 Days in Psalm 37″ 🙂 so we can break some assignments down into small portions, and we will also include some instructions for using print versions of study tools for those who would rather not use the computer during their Bible study time.

Winners of the giveaway are:

  • Comment #138 by Val, wins the Psalm 37 calligraphy.
  • Comment #12 by Melissa, wins the Bible study kit.
  • Comment #20 by Sharon, wins Because You Are Strong: A Study of Godly Strength for Young Men.

Congratulations! Tomorrow we’ll announce the winner of The Hidden Art of Homemaking, by Edith Schaeffer!


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