I’m a mother.
I’ve been a mother of six children ages 10 and under.
I’ve been a mother of four teenagers at once.
I know how challenging it can be to keep my head above water. (And I know that many of you know even better than I do!)
I also know how hard it can be to stay in the Word, right during the seasons of life when we need it the very most!
God’s Word is our lifeline! We can’t live life without it!
Read this list of statements the Bible makes about itself. Then ask yourself, “Which of these blessings do I not want in my life?”
- It revives our souls.
- It makes the simple wise.
- It makes our hearts rejoice.
- It enlightens our eyes.
- It’s true.
- It warns us.
- There is reward for keeping its commands.
- It helps us not sin against God.
- It is our counselor.
- It’s better than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
- It makes us wiser than our enemies.
- It gives us more understanding than all our teachers.
- It helps us understand more than the aged.
- It gives understanding.
- It’s a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
- It gives understanding to the simple.
- It endures forever.
- It accomplishes it purposes.
- It changes hearts.
- It discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
- It’s given by inspiration of God.
- It’s profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction , and for training in righteousness.
Then . . .
- If you want some help making time for Bible study
- If you wish you wanted to study the Bible
- If you want to share your Bible study with other like-minded mother
- If you want to learn some simple-but-deep methods of Bible study
- If you want to get up each morning with a 5-10 minute assignment waiting in your inbox
- If you want some ideas for including your children in your study time or for teaching them simple Bible study methods
- If you want to learn how to use some of the online Bible study tools
- If you want to learn more about love from 1 Corinthians 13 . . .
. . . JOIN US Monday morning, July 1st, for Day 1 of our study!
In the meantime:
- Be sure to subscribe to our blog if you haven’t already, so assignments can be ready and waiting in your inbox each morning. (Look for the purple “Subscribe” box in the right-hand column.)
- If you’re joining us for the first time, you might want to read some past posts in preparation for Monday. Read this introductory post if you haven’t been part of our “30 Days” studies in the past.
- Read this post for ideas of how to “make” time in your busy life for Bible study.
- Read this post for ideas on how to get time in the Word even when your children are tiny
- Join our Busy Mamas Bible Study Facebook group, if you’d like to interact with other mothers doing the study.
- Invite some friends to join us!
- If you’re planning on studying along with your children, start getting them excited about it! (One of the best ways to make time for Bible study in a house full of children is to invite them to join you! On many days, your children will be able to follow right along with you in your assigned study. On other days, other assignments will be provided for the children. These will be included at the end of each day’s post.)
- Gather your materials (a Bible, a notebook, a pen, and some colored pencils or pens if you have them), start praying for a rich and life-changing study, and we’ll “see” you on Monday!
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