Congratulations, Emily, winner of our Bible Study giveaway! Emily says,
I love Pam’s 30 Day studies. Really soaking for a long time in one passage is a delight, as I learn to appreciate many insights and applications of God’s Word through the month. I always finish the studies feeling that I have grown in my knowledge of and love for Christ and His work for me.
Emily wins copies of all eight Busy Mamas Bible Studies, a pack of three Moleskine journals, and her choice of an ESV or NASB version of the New Inductive Study Bible, my favorite Bible for personal Bible study! This is the Bible that got me excited about actually studying the Bible, back when I was trying to eek out any time in the Word while herding a house full of children. It’s packed with suggestions that helped me get started doing my own inductive Bible study. Every book of the Bible is introduced with notes and suggestions of words to mark, lists to make, questions to consider. Check out these sample pages from Genesis!
Thank you to all who answered the questions in our giveaway survey! You’re helping us know how to best serve you as you serve your families. Thank you, too, for your sweet words of encouragement — what a blessing to read what God has done in your lives!
As a thank you, we would like to offer all our readers a 10% discount on any Doorposts purchase made between now and midnight, Monday, August 22. Here’s a chance to save some money on Bible study tools, child-training helps, and Bible-centered music and audio stories!
Use the discount code “summerbible” when you check out to receive your discount, now through Monday night!
Thanks again for your help! I look forward to our next Busy Mamas study starting on November 1. I’m thinking we may study a narrative passage, possibly 1 Samuel 25. Stay tuned! 🙂
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