We’ve finished our study of 1 Samuel 25! This was the thirteenth free, thirty-day Bible study we’ve offered over the past four years. All those studies continue to be available free in the archives of this blog. What a privilege and delight it is to study along with you!
Preparing and leading each study pretty much consumes my life for the whole month — from dawn until I can’t see straight at night — with a few breaks for food, church, and grandchildren :-). More and more people are telling me I should charge for these studies, but I don’t want to do that. I know what it’s like to be a busy mama with a tight budget, and I really don’t want cost to prevent anyone from studying with us.
So instead, I want to invite any of you who feel led, to invest in these studies along with me! You can share in the blessing of helping busy mothers, grandmothers, and working women — women like you who desperately need the strength and encouragement of God’s Word — dig deep into the Word in just a few minutes each day! Your donation of any amount will help keep Busy Mamas Bible Studies free and open to everyone (continuing with our next study in March 2017).
If this study has blessed you, and if you want to bless others, please consider supporting this mission to help women study the Bible. Thanks and God bless!