He Died for My Sin

17888694_10212508086759782_174668374_nTo help your children understand that Jesus died for their sins, try this simple activity:

  • Nail two scraps of wood together to form a cross about two feet tall.
  • Hang this cross on a wall or lay it flat on a counter or table.
  • In a basket nearby, place pieces of paper, a pen or pencil, a bag of small nails, and a hammer.
  • When the need for discipline arises during the day, take your child to the cross. Help him identify his sin and then write it on a piece of paper.
  • Have your child nail the paper to your cross.
  • Do this for your own sins as well.
  • Read this verse every time you nail a new piece of paper to the cross. (Eventually you may have it memorized.) “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 
  • Explain to your child that Jesus died for the sin he has nailed to the cross. He suffered the penalty for our sins, even though He Himself was perfect. He paid the price because we couldn’t pay it ourselves.
  • He died so that we could die to sin, and He rose again to give us new life so that we can live in love and obedience to Him.
  • Our sins are forgiven and we’re healed when we place our faith in His death on the cross on our behalf.
  • Pray together, thanking God for giving His Son, and thanking Jesus for suffering and dying so that we can be saved from sin and live to please and glorify Him.

Note: The wooden cross, nails, and hammer will be most effective, but this could also be done with post-it notes placed on a paper cross

Other activities for your family during this week leading up to Easter:

Family Activities for the Week of Easter

Activities for Resurrection Sunday!

Treasure Hunts for Resurrection Sunday

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