Be Ready to Start Studying John 15 This Saturday!

Only one more day and we’ll be starting our month-long study of John 15! If you’re looking for direction as you sit down to read your Bible, if you’re wishing you even wanted to read your Bible, or if you’re longing for that time in the Word, but discouraged about how to actually make it happen, here is your chance to dive in and join us for the month!

We’ll be sitting with Jesus, listening to some of His last words with His closest friends before He began His journey to the cross. We’ll meditate on our union with Him and the fruit that is borne through that union. We’ll consider the purpose of God’s pruning in our lives, and our reflection of Jesus as we love and lay down our lives for one another.

I’m trying really, really hard to keep these lessons short — 5-15 minutes long! It’s hard with a chapter that has so much we could study, but I’m determined! When we’ve finished studying together, you’ll be better equipped to continue studying the chapter more on your own if you want!

Here’s what you need to do, if you’re joining us for the first time:

(1) Subscribe to “The Doorposts Blog.” (If you received this post in your email, you’re already subscribed.)

(2) Respond to the confirmation email we send you. (It may try to hide in your junk mail or other random place, so be on the lookout for it.)

(3) Gather a few colored pencils, a pen and notebook, and your Bible. (If you feel like splurging, invest in some nice, soft-leaded Prismacolor colored pencils. But any kind will do.)

(4) Look for the first lesson in your inbox on Saturday morning, July 1. (If you don’t find it there, go to The lessons will also be posted there each day.)

(5) Join the Busy Mamas Bible Study Facebook group if you want to share insights, pictures, questions, and resources with others who are doing the study.

(6) Consider doing the children’s lessons that are included at the end of each of your daily lessons. These will help you talk about what you are learning with your children, and they may also help you with your own study! (Click through some of the lessons from our last study — on Psalm 91 — to get an idea of what the children’s lessons include.)

(7) Consider following doorpostslady on Instagram for additional insights and pictures as we work our way through John 15. The pictorial format of Instagram works well for showing how to use Bible study apps, and is just a fun way to supplement what will be included in our regular lessons. It’s also an easy place to post your own pictures as you mark your Bible or complete study projects with your children.

That’s it! There’s no charge, no books to buy.

Start praying! I hope you’ll join us Saturday, July 1! I’m looking forward to studying together!



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