The Winner of Our Giveaway!

Sharon with comment #494 is our winner, with her suggestion to study Esther in a future Busy Mamas Bible study. Congratulations, Sharon, and thanks for your suggestion!

Thank you all so much for your feedback! Thanks for your kind words, the encouragement you offer me as you share how God is working in your lives through His Word, your suggestions for improvements, and your ideas for other passages to study. My plan is to respond to your comments individually as I’m able.

For those of you who said you would like to study Ephesians 6, Romans 8, Philippians 2, Proverbs 31, or Colossians 3, I want to make sure you know that we have studied those chapters, and they are all available free in the archives of this blog. 🙂  Check out the listing in the right-hand side bar for those studies, plus eight or nine other studies that we’ve done together. These are all ready for you to use. Grab a few friends and form your own study group, or find out if a few other ladies in the Busy Mamas Facebook group would like to study the same chapter along with you!

God bless you all! I look forward to our next study in November. I think we’re going to study Proverbs 3, but we’ll see! You’ve suggested an awful lot of other great chapters to consider, too!

In the meantime, I hope to post a few encouraging words here at least a couple times a month!


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