Several of you have asked if you might receive the lessons for our current mini-study on diligence and laziness via email. Unfortunately, this shorter study is not available by email. However, you do have some other options:
If you look to the right on this post, in the sidebar of this blog site, you should be able to see the four most recent posts from our Instagram account. If you are willing to come to this blog site every day, you can click on the photo and read the day’s lesson right here.
If you have a Facebook account, you can go to Doorposts’ Facebook page each day and also find the lessons. I will share the Instagram posts there. They will probably post a bit later in the day (especially if you live on the east coast).
Open an Instagram account and don’t follow anyone else. Don’t post anything. Close your account when the study is over, or leave it open for future studies. There won’t be anything else there to distract you if you don’t follow anyone. 🙂
I hope this helps! If none of these options work for you, this study will also be available in the future on a special Bible study site that we will be launching in the next few months.
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