I’m excited to be digging into an Old Testament narrative for the first time in our Busy Mamas Bible studies! We’re going to study a real story about real people with real problems and temptations, and we’re going to see how our real God worked in and through those lives and circumstances. I believe we will be encouraged and strengthened through our study of 1 Samuel 25! As we study, we will be marking the text of […]
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Finding Women to Follow, Plus a New Busy Mamas Bible Study!

I remember when our children were little. I longed for an older woman to come alongside to encourage and counsel me. But we were a young church full of young families. (Now I, and a whole bunch more of us, are the older women.) In the absence of women that I could actually sit down and chat with over a cup of tea, I made my tea and sat down with […]
Read More →Continue in What You Have Learned…

My phone alarm wakes me up each morning. After I turn off the alarm, I usually read something to help me wake up. For some reason, it’s way easier to check Instagram or Facebook or my email than it is to start reading the Bible :-/. But I can’t handle what’s going on in the world (or in my own life, for that matter) without the perspective that God’s Word offers. My […]
Read More →Thirty Days in Ephesians 6: Day 1
Welcome to our study of Ephesians 6! I’m really looking forward to studying this chapter with you! Limiting our study of Ephesians 6 to just thirty days is going to be a challenge! This portion of Scripture is packed with riches! My prayer is that you will want to continue studying the chapter on your own when we reach the end of the month, because we certainly won’t study everything […]
Read More →Join Us in Our Month-Long Study of Ephesians 6!

Wrapping paper tubes. Garden stakes. Umbrellas. Scraps of lumber. Tree branches. Rulers. Pool noodles. Fingers. What do they all have in common? If you have any boys in your house, you probably know. Most any innocent-looking item that is longer than it is wide can become a sword in the hands of a child who is eager and ready to do battle. No swords in the house? No problem. They’ll […]
Read More →30 Days in Psalm 22 for Busy Mamas, Day 1: Listening
Psalm 22. The Psalm of the Cross. The psalm that has been described as more of a history than a prophecy. A glimpse into the deep, deep suffering of our Savior on the cross. A psalm that speaks to the suffering we all face at different points in our lives — the times when we feel like God has forgotten us, or isn’t listening to us, or just plain isn’t […]
Read More →A New Busy Mamas Bible Study Is About to Begin! Psalm 22!

Studying the Bible is a little bit like having a savings account. A savings account is there so we have the resources ready when a need arises. Every month we put a little more money in the account. It accumulates. It’s there, ready to use. The car’s brakes go out? There’s money in the bank to fix them. A trip to the emergency room? The money is there, ready to […]
Read More →New Children’s Study Leading Up to Christmas!

Would you like a little help spending some time in the Word with your children during this busy season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior? Right here, every day until Christmas, you will find a short Bible lesson for children. We’ll be reading Luke 2:1-20, listening for specific words, making lists, drawing pictures, acting out portions of the story, watching videos, and memorizing — much like we do […]
Read More →Thirty Days in Romans 8 for Busy, Busy Mamas: Day 1, Getting Started
It’s been quite an adventure over the past few months — moving out of our place in the country and learning how to live in a travel trailer in our son’s driveway. Little by little we’ve regained most of the luxuries we take so for granted everyday — amazing things like hot water, Internet, a flushing toilet, a sound system, and the ability to cook at the same time the […]
Read More →Ingredients of Godly Discipline, Part 2: Instruction

Why do we discipline? What is the point of our child-training efforts? It’s not ultimately about good behavior. It’s not about the convenience of having well-behaved children. It’s certainly not about giving out just deserts when children make mistakes. Our first goal as parents should be shepherding our children into their own personal, growing, relationship with God. As God’s representatives to our children during their early years, we’re part […]
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