I’m excited to be digging into an Old Testament narrative for the first time in our Busy Mamas Bible studies! We’re going to study a real story about real people with real problems and temptations, and we’re going to see how our real God worked in and through those lives and circumstances. I believe we will be encouraged and strengthened through our study of 1 Samuel 25! As we study, we will be marking the text of […]
Read More →Category: Family Worship
Continue in What You Have Learned…

My phone alarm wakes me up each morning. After I turn off the alarm, I usually read something to help me wake up. For some reason, it’s way easier to check Instagram or Facebook or my email than it is to start reading the Bible :-/. But I can’t handle what’s going on in the world (or in my own life, for that matter) without the perspective that God’s Word offers. My […]
Read More →How to Find Time to Reach Their Hearts

Does the problem this mother describes sound familiar to any other mamas out there? “My first concern is about leading children to repentance over a specific sin. How do you find the time? With a large family, I barely start with one child before another child sins and a line begins to form. More like a crowd of crying, fussing, accusing children. At that point, I feel overwhelmed and usually […]
Read More →30 Days in Ephesians 6, Day 9: Obey
Now that we have looked in a general way at Paul’s instructions to children, fathers, servants, and masters, let’s take a closer look at each of those commands. Word studies, cross-references, commentaries, and looking at other translations can all help us gain a better understanding of a verse or passage of Scripture, and free Bible study websites help us do this kind of studying in a fraction of the time […]
Read More →Thirty Days in Ephesians 6: Day 1
Welcome to our study of Ephesians 6! I’m really looking forward to studying this chapter with you! Limiting our study of Ephesians 6 to just thirty days is going to be a challenge! This portion of Scripture is packed with riches! My prayer is that you will want to continue studying the chapter on your own when we reach the end of the month, because we certainly won’t study everything […]
Read More →New Children’s Study Leading Up to Christmas!

Would you like a little help spending some time in the Word with your children during this busy season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior? Right here, every day until Christmas, you will find a short Bible lesson for children. We’ll be reading Luke 2:1-20, listening for specific words, making lists, drawing pictures, acting out portions of the story, watching videos, and memorizing — much like we do […]
Read More →Thirty Days in Romans 8 for Busy, Busy Mamas: Day 1, Getting Started
It’s been quite an adventure over the past few months — moving out of our place in the country and learning how to live in a travel trailer in our son’s driveway. Little by little we’ve regained most of the luxuries we take so for granted everyday — amazing things like hot water, Internet, a flushing toilet, a sound system, and the ability to cook at the same time the […]
Read More →Child Training Boot Camp Giveaway!
It’s time to have our traditional end-of-study giveaway! This time we’re giving away $123 worth of Doorposts products! The winner of this giveaway will receive: Her choice of Plants Grown Up for boys or Polished Cornerstones for girls (Over 500 pages of different ideas for Bible study projects, reading material, and practical, everyday activities to help our sons and daughters love and follow Jesus. Use from preschool until they leave home!) plus For […]
Read More →Thirty Days in Psalm 103 for Busy, Busy Mamas, Day 15: Memorize
Psalm 103 has 22 verses, just as the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. We’ve studied two acrostic passages in past Busy Mamas Bible studies. Proverbs 31, which we studied in July, is an acrostic poem, and Psalm 37, which we studied last March, is also acrostic. Each verse of the passage starts with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet, so that the entire alphabet is used by the […]
Read More →Thirty Days in Psalm 103 for Busy, Busy Mamas, Day 3: Bless
Okay! Pencils ready? Today we mark some text! Grab a green colored pencil or pen, your Bible, and a notebook, and let’s get started! If you don’t want to mark directly in your Bible, you can print out the psalm in your favorite translation, or you can print this ESV version to use. Personally, I like marking in my Bible, because I can always go back later and review what […]
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