Family Bible Drama, Part 1: Why Dramatize?

“We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done…
So that they should set their hope in God
and not forget the works of God,
but keep his commandments.” Psalm 78:4 & 7

  • Bible drama pictureSamson, his sweatshirt bulging with “muscles,” fights off an endless onslaught of Philistines.
  • King Ahab dies in his Radio Flyer chariot.
  • Jael serves a glass of milk to Sisera in the backyard tent.
  • Gideon and his little army stalk through the darkened house with flashlight torches and paper-towel-tube-trumpets.
  • Noah, his family, and two of every kind of stuffed animal file into the refrigerator box.

It’s story time!

God, in all His glory and power, is revealed in His Word. The stories of the Bible – stories of heroes and villains, blessing and discipline, courage and cowardice – all point us to God. We see God delivering His children, and directing events and moving men’s hearts. We see what God does in men and through men.

All this is recorded for our admonition (1 Cor. 10:11). We are not to hide these stories from our children. We are to tell the Bible stories to them so that they can see God’s “strength and His wonderful works,” so they can “set their hope in God” and so they will “keep his commandments.” The stories point us and our children to God.

A child’s natural love for drama provides a wonderful opportunity for teaching spiritual truths. Outside with the wagon, a tree, and a wading pool, or inside with some sheets, a flashlight and a few cardboard boxes – some simple costume materials and a little encouragement can inspire a lot of learning, and a lot of fun.

Our family really enjoyed acting out Bible stories. It was one of our favorite Sunday afternoon activities, and I look forward to reliving those days with the grandchildren someday soon. Simple Bible drama and skits benefit the family in so many ways:

  • They help young children pay better attention to Bible reading times and helps them listen for details.
  • They help young children understand the stories better.
  • They help children remember stories better.
  • They help children see the pattern of God’s faithfulness throughout history.
  • They help children more clearly perceive the character of God.
  • They help children see the consequences of man’s decisions.
  • They help children think through and better understand Scripture passages (such as the Proverbs).
  • They provide an effective method of “testing,” to see how well a child listens to and understands a story.
  • They involve the more active child or kinesthetic learner.
  • They bring the Bible to life! Children realize that the people in Scripture were real people living real lives, just like we are.

Besides helping our children remember and understand the various stories in the Bible, we are also making memories as we play-act together. We will always chuckle when we recall 3-year-old-Johanna-starring-as-Esther, sitting in King (Daddy) Ahasuerus’s lap.

“What do you want, Queen Esther? I’ll grant you up to half the kingdom.”

Her innocent ad lib reply, “Lipstick, please.”


This post is adapted from the introduction of The Mighty Acts of God: A Guide to Simple Family Drama Times.

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