Our second place award goes to “Paul and Silas are thrown in prison,” submitted by Jessica B.
We love how the whole family works together to create this video. These young children know their lines so well, and deliver them with such enthusiasm! And the Roman soldier’s costume is pretty awesome too. Family productions like this one are just what we were hoping to inspire when we dreamed up this contest.
Jessica and her family will receive our second prize package. We hope her girls will enjoy making the “Ruby Doll”!
- The Word of Promise Complete Audio Bible CD set
- Read-Aloud Bible Stories 4-Volume Set (another long-time favorite!)
- The Ruby Doll Kit from Doorposts
- The Misterslippi River Race and Harmony at Home CDs from Majesty Music
- To This Generation CD by Ruth Holleran (Scripture set to music)
- Total value $228
Special thanks to Majesty Music for contributing to this prize!
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