“The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (James 5:16, NASB).
Do I really believe this verse? If I do, why don’t I pray more?
Our sermon on Sunday was on prayer. I came away challenged to make prayer the first thing I do:
– When I get up in the morning
– When I’m tempted to say things I shouldn’t
– When I don’t know what I should do about something
– When misunderstandings occurs
– When I’m too tired to keep going.
I want prayer to be my first response, as I acknowledge my utter dependence on Him. He’s the one who changes things. He’s the one who gives wisdom. He’s the one who has promised to listen.
Just to let you know, for the next month or two, we are going to be posting here just once a week. We’re cutting back for two reasons:
I’m in the middle of working on a chart and book set based on 1 Corinthians 13, and I haven’t been making much progress while traveling to conferences and writing Bible studies! We would like to get this project finished up and available this fall, and fall is coming fast!
I would also like the extra time so that I can respond to many of you ladies who asked questions, left comments, or expressed needs as we studied Proverbs 31 together. I just couldn’t keep up with that while I was writing the Bible study lessons.
So we’ll be posting on Tuesdays only for now. I would appreciate your prayers as I try to finish up the 1 Corinthians 13 chart. Pray that this can be a tool that will help parents teach their children about godly love, and pray for clear thinking, fewer-than-normal distractions, and some sleep! 🙂 And I’ll pray for you, that God will give you grace and strength as you live each day with its challenges and blessings!
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