“He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” (Rom 8:32, ESV)
It’s easy to take it for granted — God becoming man. We know the story. It’s what we celebrate every Christmas.
But how much thought do we really give to this miracle? Jesus, God’s Son, willingly came to earth. He grew for nine months in the darkness of a womb. He was born in a barn. He was raised by imperfect parents. He lived among us for thirty years before He even started His earthly ministry.
He came because it was part of the Father’s plan. God sent Him into His creation in order to show His love and to save us from the punishment our sins deserve.
If God loves us this much, is He really going to withhold any other good thing from us?
We can trust Him. He’s always giving, even in the midst of trials.
He will give us strength when we think we can’t keep going.
He will give us joy when we have good reason to despair.
He will give us wisdom when we realize how helpless we are.
He will give us His love when we have no more love to share.
He will give us all things because He has already given us His best — His Son.
Let’s celebrate.
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