Seventh Giveaway: As Unto the Lord

As Unto The LordThis book was written for my own personal benefit (and indirectly for the benefit of my husband), because I need to be constantly called back to the standard to which God calls me as a wife.

There must be a few other wives out there who don’t have their roles mastered! This book is for you!

As Unto the Lord includes:

  • A short set of questions and relevant Scripture passages for daily review, to help wives prayerfully examine their attitudes and actions in the light of God’s Word.
  • An in-depth, expanded series of almost 200 questions, each followed by Scripture which explains what God has designed us to be as wives.
  • Suggested Bible study projects and helpful forms to aid a woman in a serious study of God’s calling for her life.

This book will help you:

  • Identify areas of sin and negligence
  • Memorize Scripture as a defense against the temptations unique to wives
  • Pray for God’s guidance and changing power in your life


To enter today’s giveaway:

Write one comment on this post, telling us about one of the most influential books (besides the Bible) that you have read.

One of the books that has greatly affected my life as a wife and mother is The Hidden Art of Homemaking, by Edith Schaeffer. Mrs. Schaeffer’s ideas helped me see the beauty in homemaking, and has inspired me to take the gifts God has given me and use them to bless my family and others.

To qualify to win, you must also be a follower of this blog in some form (email subscription, RSS, or Google friend connect). All entries also count towards the final grand prize!

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