“Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house.” Proverbs 24:27
What does it mean for a young man to “prepare his field” before he “builds his house?” What should he be “planting” during the precious years of his youth that will prepare him for establishing a godly household? When is he ready to seek and win the heart of a young lady?
I wanted answers to these questions! With counsel from my parents and other adults, I spent several years after graduating working on this book – studying the Bible, reading books, and interviewing adults I respected to find out how a young man can best prepare himself to be a godly husband, father, and family leader.
Packed with Bible studies, evaluation questions, counsel from godly men, practical projects, and other helpful resources, Prepare Thy Work helps young men properly order their lives and goals – preparing for their callings first, and then pursuing courtship and marriage.
Topics include:
Faith and Doctrine
Godly Manhood
Dowry Principles
Family Vision
Prepare Thy Work is an invaluable tool both for young men, and also for parents who want to help their sons prepare. No matter what age your sons are now, you need to think through these issues and be prepared to prepare them! Also, if you have daughters, this book will help you evaluate the preparedness of potential suitors from a biblical perspective.
To enter today’s giveaway:
Write one comment on this post and tell us something that you want to teach your children to prepare them for marriage. Think of a specific character trait or skill that will help them be a godly husband or wife.
To qualify to win, you must also be a follower of this blog in some form (email subscription, RSS, or Google friend connect). Only one more giveaway left until we draw a winner for the final grand prize!
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