As parents of 7 sons, Hal and Melanie Young have plenty of experience with raising boys, and their book Raising Real Men (see our review here) is both biblical and practical.
If you’ve heard them speak, you know that their workshops and webinars are just as helpful, and we’re excited about this giveaway. Three winners will get free admission to an online “boot camp” of their choice — Boyhood Boot Camp (for parents of boys age 0-9), Boot Camp 9-12 (if you have boys in this age range), and PreFlight (if your boys are teenagers).
Boyhood Boot Camp
Our culture isn’t much help when it comes to raising boys. Most of us don’t even know what boyhood is supposed to look like anymore.
After years of requests, we’ve put together Boyhood Boot Camp EXCLUSIVELY for parents of boys up to nine years old.
Boot Camp 9-12
When our children were all little and Melanie was feeling overwhelmed, most people responded, “You just wait ’til they’re teenagers! You think it’s hard now?”
Well, thank you, that’s very encouraging. Does it have to be that way? Does life with a teen have to be more difficult than life with an untrained toddler with no self-control? Is sullen, moody, rebelliousness just a part of growing up?
Get prepared to make the teen years great at our exclusive Boot Camp 9-12!
PreFlight Webinar
Our children’s early years come with warnings from complete strangers, “You think it’s hard now, wait ’til they’re teenagers.” We brushed that off. We just didn’t believe it. Surely the teen years didn’t have to be hard!
Our teens (we’ve got a fifth one in that stage now) have been a huge blessing to us! There are still real challenges in the teen years, though, and that’s what we want to talk about.
Your young men are about to launch off into the wild, blue yonder. Have you done a preflight check up with them? Are they ready to fly? Are you ready to let go?
More info at
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