NEST Learning is offering a set of three of their animated Bible story videos.
My wife and I were excited to re-discover these videos that she enjoyed while growing up. “The King is Born” is a definite favorite with our girls, and it’s inspired some of the Bible drama in our home.
Daniel – Babylonian forces invade Jerusalem and carry away many of the city’s finest young people, including Daniel and his three young friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. In captivity, the youths are in the kings service and outperform all their rivals-pleasing the king and frustrating their enemies. When Darius, the new king, makes Daniel his first president, Daniel’s enemies plan a trap to have him killed. When Daniel survives being thrown into the lion’s den, he proves that God still rules over the affairs of men. Approximate Run Time: 45 Minutes
The King is Born – The annual celebration of the birth of Jesus remains one of the most cherished holidays throughout the world. A star or angel on top of a Christmas tree reminds us of the miraculous nature of Jesus birth. Carols and hymns allow us to join the Wisemen and shepherds in worshiping Jesus. The exchange of presents recalls the greatest gift of all: God’s Son, born on Christmas day.
The Miracles of Jesus – The Miracles of Jesus is an exciting panorama of Jesus’ most touching miracles. Healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons and calming the storm are attributed to the principle of faith. “All things are possible to those who believe,” Jesus tells us. Marvel as Christ’s miracles increase the faith of you and your family. Watch as your loved ones learn character-building virtues such as dedication, charity and temperance…in addition to faith.
Visit NEST Entertainment for more information and resources.
Value $29.85
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