I once heard a speaker liken her life as a grandmother to water skiing full speed, while she desperately tried to hang on to the rope. I didn’t understand at the time. What could possibly keep a grandmother that busy?
Now I understand. This last year has been an especially strange season in my life. John and I live in a travel trailer and sleep in a bedroom in our oldest son’s house while we try to get our own house built.
We’re supposed to be picking out shower stalls and refrigerators and faucets and shingle colors, but there’s still a pile of logs that need to be hauled away from the top of our future driveway before anything else really starts to happen.

I pore over Pinterest in spare snatches of time, looking at window trims, toilets, and paint colors, and haul samples back and forth from the flooring store. Maybe we’ll have a house before the end of the year…
In the meantime, we’ve welcomed three new grandbabies into the family in the past five months, lost another precious one before his birth, recovered from major surgery, and rode a storm of upheaval in the church we’ve attended for the past twenty-nine years.
I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that it’s taking a great deal of energy to just live right now! So it’s been one of those seasons of reevaluating — what can we do differently, what is most important, what does God want me to be doing in this season of my life?
You may have noticed that the posts on this blog have been fairly sporadic recently. I sit down to write and my brain is blank or buzzing or just plain falling asleep, and so another week goes by without a post. So I’ve decided to take a more relaxed approach to the blog for right now. I’ll post occasionally, but not weekly. Then in March, July, and November I’ll be posting everyday while we do our Busy Mamas Bible studies.
The rest of the time, I’ll mostly be posting on Instagram, a plan that seems much doable in my present, unpredictable moment-by-moment existence. I can share pictures and post short thoughts that don’t require so much of my concentration. And in the process, I get to share in a bit more casual and personal way.
I’ll be sharing Bible study ideas and methods, pictures of my Bible markings and drawings, and thoughts on different passages of Scripture. I’ll post vignettes of our Busy Mamas Bible study lessons, and I’ll also share ideas of how to approach different challenges with our children, how to help children love God’s Word, and glimpses into our family life, our house-building process, and the things I love doing — like gardening and playing with flowers and grandchildren.
I’m looking at this as a chance to get to know each other better (especially if you choose to let me follow you, too!) while I think and write in bite-size portions for the next few months.
I’d love for you to join me! Look for me here! Or search for “Doorpostslady” on Instagram!
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