First Place Bible Drama Video!

First prize in our Bible Drama video contest goes to “Noah’s Ark,” submitted by Timothy M. Congratulations to you and your crew!

While it was VERY hard to pick winners for this contest, we just kept coming back to this video. It’s so fun to watch because the action moves right along, everyone is so enthusiastic, and the setting and props are so creative (like the versatile use of the play set, and the sacrifice in the fire pit). Besides that, the video is well-made, with great special effects (how did they do the flood waters?), whimsical background music, and creative camera angles. Very well done!

May we all respond to God’s word like Noah does in this story: “God told us to build a ark. Let’s move!”

Timothy, you and your cast will enjoy our First Prize package:


(Thanks to Majesty Music and The Bible in Living Sound for contributing to this prize package!)

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