I want to share someone else’s words with you today, because they so beautifully picture what Psalm 91 is all about. Amy, after waiting in suspense for over two months for a diagnosis, now knows that she has stage 2 Hodgkins Lymphoma. She went in for her first chemo treatment this past week. Amy and her husband have been a source of love and encouragement to me and my family […]
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Thirty Days in Psalm 91 for Busy Mamas, Day 22: Really?
We’ve come to the hard parts of Psalm 91. What do we do with verses like this one? “A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.” And what about verse 10? “No evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.” They are wonderful words, but how do we reconcile them with the reality […]
Read More →Thirty Days in Psalm 91 for Busy Mamas, Day 11: Psalms Are for Singing
While we’re busy marking words, making lists, and looking for parallelism and imagery, we don’t want to forget that Psalm 91 was written to be sung, not just read and studied. As we sing the Psalms, we are singing God’s words back to Him. We’re praying, building each other up, expressing our joys and our sorrows, and reminding ourselves of God’s faithfulness. Here are a few musical versions of Psalm 91 to […]
Read More →Thirty Days in Psalm 91 for Busy Mamas, Day 2: God
Today we’re going to start observing. We’ll notice all kinds of new things over the next few days as we slow down to take a closer look at what is actually in the text. What can we learn about God? To what is He compared? What does God say He will do? What are we told to do? What words and ideas are repeated? These are the kinds of questions we will […]
Read More →A 30-Day Study of Psalm 91 Begins on March 1!
We talked for years about traveling to the East Coast with our six children. It was one of those dreams you enjoy imagining but never think you’ll really do. But my father and stepmother decided we really ought to take that trip, and paid for all our plane tickets. So we went! I still remember very vividly our first few hours in Washington, D.C. almost eighteen years ago. If all […]
Read More →Good and Beautiful Words
I want to share this post by one of “my girls.” I love it (and her) so much. I hope you’ll take the time to read it and be encouraged. (And then leave an encouraging word or two for her. 🙂 )
Read More →Time for a Change
I once heard a speaker liken her life as a grandmother to water skiing full speed, while she desperately tried to hang on to the rope. I didn’t understand at the time. What could possibly keep a grandmother that busy? Now I understand. This last year has been an especially strange season in my life. John and I live in a travel trailer and sleep in a bedroom in […]
Read More →Why Are We Tempted to Give Up?
We know we need to read the Bible. Many of us may have started out the new year with renewed zeal to read it everyday — maybe even to read the entire Bible by the end of the year. But it’s easy to become discouraged. We read and we don’t know how to apply what we’ve read to our lives. Or we read, and amidst interruptions and distractions, we may not even […]
Read More →God Works in a Mysterious Way
I love this song. I don’t particularly love the challenges and trials it speaks of, but I love what the song says, and I love the God whose smiling face is hiding behind every “frowning providence” we face in life. God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines Of never failing skill […]
Read More →Blinded, but Not Blind
I’ve been blinded, both in the dark and in the light, recently. First, I decided to take the back road home after enjoying a day at my daughter’s house. I’d lingered longer than normal, and left later than I usually do. I contemplated driving the hour-and-a-half trip on the freeway since I wouldn’t be able to see the scenery anyway, but I decided to stick with the country route. It […]
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