Get the book! Thirty Days in Psalm 37 is now available as a paperback, PDF, or Kindle book. “O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8, ESV) Wow! March went by fast! I’m going to apologize right now for the l-e-n-g-t-h of this last post. There’s so much to say […]
Read More →Category: Family time
How to Study Your Bible Along with Your Children
Before we launch our Psalm 37 study tomorrow, let’s brainstorm on some ways to involve your children in your Bible study. If you can’t find a quiet time to study alone, maybe God doesn’t want you to study alone. Let the children join you. Not only will you get some time in the Word, but your children will also be learning right along with you! Maybe it’s been too long since my […]
Read More →Favorite Christmas Books
Ruby and I had our first sleep-over last night. She has spent the night along with her sister before, but this time it was just Ruby all by herself. Wow! One grandchild at a time is a lot different than seven all at once — just like when our kids were all little. Back then , I started taking just one child out at a time, all by himself, for […]
Read More →Messy Times
I was re-typing portions of our book, Mighty Acts of God, and reading all the Bible story act-out suggestions. They brought up some spicy memories…like Benjamin scrawny and whining, an inside-out T-shirt on his head, stomping his foot and yelling “No” at a half-sized Moses. Johanna, giggling while she pretended to drive a stake through Sisera’s head (my dad’s hair before it was completely white). Yeah…I got a little nostalgic. […]
Read More →Family Bible Drama, Part 1: Why Dramatize?
“We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done… So that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.” Psalm 78:4 & 7 Samson, his sweatshirt bulging with “muscles,” fights off an endless onslaught of Philistines. King Ahab dies […]
Read More →Two Choices — Lady Wisdom or Dame Folly
“Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!” (Proverbs 9:4, ESV) Learning the truths of Scripture can be a lot of fun! Host a feast to help your children remember and understand the contrast between pursuing wisdom and pursuing foolishness. Proverbs 9 paints a vivid picture of wisdom and folly, personified as two women. One woman, Wisdom, has prepared tasty meat and mixed wine. She sends out her young women to call […]
Read More →Ways to Saturate Your Children with the Proverbs
“For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her” (Prov 3:14-16). Can you and your children identify the proverb illustrated in the picture above? It is in chapter 2 of Proverbs. The Book of Proverbs is full of wisdom — true, […]
Read More →Family Meals with Joy!
Preparing for company always provides plenty of opportunity for sanctification! As I looked forward to our Easter feast with all the family together, I so enjoyed this post by Nancy Wilson on hosting family meals and celebrations with joy. She and her husband host a meal each week that brings their grandchildren and adult children around their table. In this post, Nancy is preparing for their special Easter meal, and […]
Read More →Treasure Hunts for Resurrection Sunday!
I’m excited! We’re getting all the family together in the same place for Easter dinner this year! I’m having fun planning a treasure hunt for the little girls. I know it’s getting pretty close to Easter Day, but at least a few of you are probably waiting until the last minute like me, and might still be able to use some ideas. I’ll share what I’m going to do with […]
Read More →Family Activities for the Week of Easter
Next week, we’ll celebrate Easter, remembering Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection. Here are some ideas for focusing your week on Christ and making it fun and meaningful for your family. Act out the crucifixion and resurrection story, or stage a play with toys, felt figures, or stuffed animals. Make your own grace garden or resurrection garden. Try these “Get a Sense of the Resurrection” object lessons. Make your own […]
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