Stay tuned! Before the day is over, we will be posting news about an exciting new contest Doorposts is hosting — lots of great prizes, lots of learning, and lots of opportunity for good family times and creativity! While you wait, check out this great post about getting your children’s wiggly bodies involved in family worship and Bible study! Let them move! They’ll learn lots better, and have fun while […]
Read More →Category: Family time
Heroes for Our Children
“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” (Romans 8:37) Today is Reformation Day! This is the day, 496 years ago, when Martin Luther nailed a collection of statements onto the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. These “95 Theses” were opposing various practices of the church, and they were the beginning of what is now known as the Protestant Reformation. Over […]
Read More →Raising Children Who Help
A large family can be a powerful army. I know because I was part of such an army not too long ago. Before the Forster kids started going off to college, jobs, and marriage, we worked together a lot. We organized parties and church events. We showed up to help families move. We staffed the family business. We tackled huge cleaning projects. We could knock out painting and building projects […]
Read More →Dates with Daddy
It’s usually a spontaneous decision. When dinner is over, I’ll tell one of my girls (age 2 and 4) to hop in the car with me for a quick “daddy date.” This proposal is usually met with much excited bouncing, looking for shoes, and deciding which dress to wear before we set off on our adventure (which usually involves searching for ice cream in some form :-). In the car, […]
Read More →Invest Now.
On Tuesday, we spent a little bit of time talking about “courtship”. It’s a challenging topic to talk about because of the different meanings people assign to the word. On another day we’ll discuss some of the pitfalls and common mistakes parents tend to make while overseeing a courtship. Because we’re human and sinners, we’re going to make mistakes. For today, let’s start preparing for the courtship years. Take the […]
Read More →A 10-Day Bible Study for Kids — 1 Samuel 25
Today we’re going to take a chapter from 1 Samuel and talk about some ways you could lead your children in studying this passage. We’re going to study 1 Samuel 25. This is the account of David’s reaction and Abigail’s reponse when Nabal refused to give food to him and his men. Day 1: Read the entire chapter (or divide it into two days, if your children are really young). […]
Read More →A Change of Plans
I (Daniel) am posting today because my dad, mom, and sisters are taking the week off for a vacation at the beach 🙂 I want to tell you a quick story about something my mama did about 10 years ago that had a huge impact on my life. This was back when she was in the thick of homeschooling. There were six of us, from Susannah (age 9) to me, […]
Read More →God’s Word Is a Seed
“Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.” (Luke 8:11) Help your children learn more about God’s Word and our response to it with this springtime activity! You’ll need: your Bible, some paper and drawing materials, a packet of bean or sweet pea seeds, a small bag of potting soil, and some small flower pots or recycled milk or yogurt cartons (if you choose to complete Step […]
Read More →A Light in the Darkness
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105) Use this simple activity to help your children understand the importance of God’s Word in their lives. Set up an obstacle course outside (if the weather permits) or in your house. Put chairs on their side, hang long strips of crepe paper from the ceiling, set up a tunnel of boxes to crawl through, […]
Read More →Pull Out Those Swords and Practice!
“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Ephesians 6:17) Have you ever led your children in a sword drill? Sword drills were one of my favorite parts of Sunday School when I was growing up. The teacher would say, “Swords drawn,” and we would ready our Bibles. Then she would give us the reference to a verse and leave us hanging in suspense with, “R-e-a-d-y-y-y-y-y,” as we […]
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